Wrap Around Program FOR 3K/PRE-K



Ivy Prep Early Learning Academy is open from 6:30a.m to 6:30p.m. We understand you may need childcare outside of the 8:30a.m-2:50p.m schedule. Our Wrap Around program provides a comprehensive and supportive environment that fosters children's development, preparing them for future educational endeavors while offering valuable support to families.



  • Extended Learning Opportunities: Our Wrap Around program provides children with more time for structured learning activities, such as arts and crafts, music and movement, and exploration. This additional time allows for a more comprehensive and well-rounded education.

  • Social Development: Wrap Around offers more opportunities for children to interact with their peers, thereby enhancing their social skills. They have increased opportunities to learn to share, collaborate, and communicate effectively in a supervised and supportive environment.

  • Cognitive Development: The additional time spent in educational activities can contribute to the cognitive development of 3K/PRE-K students. They have more opportunities to engage in age-appropriate tasks that promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

  • Consistency and Routine: Wrap Around also follows a schedule, providing young children with a structured continued routine. This can lead to a sense of security and predictability, which is beneficial for their emotional well-being.

  • Parental Support: For working parents, our Wrap Around program offers a reliable and safe childcare option. Knowing that their children are in a nurturing environment allows parents to focus on their work with peace of mind.

  • Smooth Transition: The skills and experiences gained in our Wrap Around program can better prepare children for the transition from 3K to PRE-K and from PRE-K to Kindergarten. They develop a stronger foundation in various areas, including academics and social skills.

  • Enrichment Activities: Beyond the regular curriculum, Wrap Around often offers enrichment activities. These experiences can broaden children's horizons and spark their curiosity about the world around them.

Call Us Now To sign Up For our Wrap Around Program for 3K/PRE-K Students!

BAYSIDE LOCATION (718)-352-8972

BRONX LOCATION (718)-239-5275


Social development is crucial for a child of this age, so, we want to make sure each child is hitting social marks in development. We will assess if each child:

  • Labels feelings
  • Shows awareness of others’ feelings
  • Plays side-by-side with other children
  • Initiates social interaction with peers
  • Takes turns during play with peers
  • Begins to show empathy when someone is hurt or upset
  • Participates in loosely structured group games
  • Asks simple questions
  • Notices differences
  • Shows pride in achievements/accomplishment
  • Makes choices
  • Names emotions

I big part of schooling for children of this age is to make sure they begin to get excited about learning. It’s important to get children prepared and excited for learning so that they can have the best chance for a successful future. So, we track whether a child:

  • Shows interest in new and others’ activities
  • Tries new ways of doing things and begins to take some risks
  • Proposes an idea for an activity
  • Completes simple projects
  • Listens and participates in story time
  • Invents new uses for everyday materials
  • Displays understanding of how objects work together
  • Uses imagination during play
  • Carries toys or objects when walking
  • Walks backward
  • Jumps in place
  • Walks in a straight line
  • Runs with balance
  • Scribbles with crayons and begins to imitate marks
  • Unscrews small lids
  • Stacks, sorts, and strings items
  • Exhibits eye-hand coordination
  • Plays with materials of different textures
  • Indicates wet or soiled diaper

Undoubtedly, another major key to learning at this stage of life is to continue developing speech and other ways of communication. So, during our child care programs, we track that children:

  • Follow simple verbal direction
  • Recall words from simple songs
  • Identify at least three body parts
  • Use mostly two and three syllable words
  • Answer simple questions
  • Follow two-step directions
  • Can recount an event
  • Listen to short and simple stories
  • Begin to demonstrate turn-taking in conversation
  • Use manners
  • Begin to identify letters in own name
  • Know the right side of a book
  • Use words for pictures
  • Can recite familiar words in a book when read to

Finally, we want to make sure all of the children in our child care programs are on track with cognitive development. So, we track if your child:

  • Notices and describes how items are the same or different
  • Makes choices when given options
  • Connects objects and ideas
  • Uses active exploration and trial and error to solve problems
  • Communicates to request assistance
  • Provides a simple description of a person or object that is not present
  • Identifies pictures of familiar objects correctly
  • Plays make-believe with props
  • Counts to at least five
  • Imitates rhymes or songs
  • Uses size words
  • Fills and empties containers
  • Identifies at least two geometric shapes
  • Creates or copies simple shapes
  • Sorts objects by one characteristic
  • Asks simple questions
  • Explores and investigates the world
  • Can state his or her first name
  • Enjoys poems, stories, and songs

Enroll Your Child into Early Learning Opportunities

With locations in Bayside, Staten Island, and the Bronx, we provide education opportunities to all New York City families!